Ihave three pillars of philosophy behind a successful fitness journey:training, mindset and nutrition. Each part is as important as the otherbut I believe the most important place to begin is with mindset. They saywinning isn’t everything but I say wanting tois.Your attitude going into any challenge often determines youroutcome, but have you ever wondered where your attitude comes from?Growing up with a twin equally as competitive as I played a big part increating my never-give-up attitude.Tony and I were always competing against each other, pushingourselves and doing whatever it took to win. Sometimes we won;sometimes we lost. I recall one tough game of footy when we wereyoung, Tony had been pretty confident he would take out Best OnGround, but that day I took the title. Tony elbowed me in the ribs all.
the way home in the back seat of Dad’s Volkswagen. I took the pain andrubbed it in even more – this was our constant competitiveness andtoday, we laugh and joke about it.Imagining that moment of winning was a huge force behind ourpersistence and determination to keep going even after getting beaten.Eventually this would pay off in our individual achievements, wejust had to hang in there. Tony’s tenacity was unbelievable, it’s whatenabled him to launch himself fearlessly into a pack of much larger footyplayers and he’d be the one to emerge from between them all with the ballin his hands.Back then I didn’t understand ‘how’ I reached my goal; I just keptenvisioning the result I wanted in my mind. I constantly remindmy clients (and myself) that visualisation is the way to plant ideasand goals into your subconscious mind and a healthy way to createyour own, personal vision statement. It’s a matter of simply closingyour eyes, using your imagination, and mentally creating the pictures inyour mind, like running a movie of your desired results on repeat. Thiswill then become the reality in your subconscious and replaying it withemotion will help you to change old habits and increase performance.This is not a new technique and has been around for centuries. Thereare so many ways to use visualisation. It has been used in the field ofsports psychology and personal development to increase stamina, reachpersonal and professional goals, and exceed any limits the athlete may havehad before.‘Goal Visualisation’ is common with athletes across the globeand simply means that in their minds’ eye they can already see themselveshaving achieved their goal, whether it be the desired body they areaiming for, or the ideal lifting weight or competing and winning in theirchosen field.
From the words of a special teacher and friend who once told me,“Fred, the use of mental imagery is one of the strongest and most effective strategies for making something happen for you.”— Dr Wayne Dye
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